The first thing you need to do is buy the ingredients and equipment for this drink. They are standard equipment to make a home brew and the following supplies must be:
7 pounds light syrup Canada
0.5 pounds of pale malt (grain)
Crystal Malt 60L from € 0.75 (corn)
0.5 pounds chocolate malt (grain)
2 oz Fuggles pellet hops (bitter)
1 / 2 oz Goldings hops pellets (flavor)
3 / 4 cup sugar Primer
1 packet of MuntonGolden Ale Yeast
Bags of hops and wheat bags
Pour the corn in a bag of grain. I recommend that the grain is divided into two sections separated by a node, because this is a large amount of grain in a single bag to keep. Fill your pot with 2 liters of water, add the bag of grain, and begin to warm on the stove. Heat to 150 ° C. For the next 30 minutes keeping the temperature between 150oF and 160oF. When the temperature past 160, you can reduce the heat by adding cold water. During thisTime, occasionally lifting the sack of grain and let it drain. Do not press on the bag. After 30 minutes, lift the bag out of the pot again and let drain. Discard the seeds.
Increase heat and bring the contents of the pot boiling. Remove from heat and add the syrup by mixing the Canadian light, while the addition. Continue stirring until completely dissolved. 2 oz Fuggles hops put in a bag of hops and nodes tie. Add the bag, hop in the pot, back heat, and simmer for 45 minutes.Put 1 / 2 oz Goldings hops in a hop bag and tie knots. Add pocket pot and cook for another 15 minutes.
After cooking, remove the bag from the pot-hop. At this stage the dough like a spice, which is just a word for fermented beer known. The next step is to quickly cool the wort to remove from the oven and puts it in the sink full of ice. I found, add the best way to do is to fill the sink with about an inch and a half of cold water, remove the pot on this thinLayer, then add a bag of ice around the pot evenly. I do it this way, a uniform temperature on the outside of the pot and keep at the same time maintain the level of the pot. If you add the ice before the plate, it will be difficult.
While the wort cools, it should be this time, sanitize your fermenter. Mix a teaspoon and make a few cups of water in the fermenter, that all surfaces are wet. Pour the solution on top of the fermenter. Rinse the inside of thethe fermenter and the top of the must at least twice before.
At that time the wort has cooled a bit 'probably. When it reaches 100 degrees, it's time for them to be added to the fermenter. Pour a bit 'of water on the floor of fermemter, so that the nozzle is closed before the wort. Fill the rest of the fermenter with tap water for 5-gallon level.Add the packet of yeast that causes a stir with excitement during this process. E 'important that the yeast is aerated. Insert the top of the fermenter make sure there tight. They fill the air lock in half with water and place it on the cover of the hole.
The hardest part of making this beer has been completed. All you have to do now is wait. After about half a day you will notice the lock begins to boil, and is thinking foam forms on top of the must. After 2-3 days, I generally transferred to my mixture to a glass fermentor for the rest of the process,but this step is not necessary. What is important however, that until all the foam to fill the waiting is gone.