Monday, October 31, 2011

Sinusitis - Treatment and Costs - 7 Tips to Save Money and Feel Better Quickly

!±8± Sinusitis - Treatment and Costs - 7 Tips to Save Money and Feel Better Quickly

Sinusitis is highly overrated.

Picture this scenario. You're the doctor. Your patient has waited an hour to see you. He complains of congestion, headache, sinus pressure, and post-nasal drainage. Yes, the drainage is yellow. No, he hasn't missed work. He winces when you tap his sinuses. He wants you to know how miserable he is. You gotta do something, Doc.

Is it sinusitis or is it a cold?

Sinusitis means inflammation of the lining of the sinus cavities. It does not always mean infection. From what I've seen in primary care medicine, doctors often - quite often - use the diagnosis "sinusitis" as an excuse to give antibiotics. It's what our patients want after all, at least most of them. Whether antibiotics work or not, patients believe in them.

But colds are much more common than sinus infections, and allergies can cause similar symptoms.

It's just a cold, you tell the patient. No antibiotics are indicated.

Your patient glares at you. He knows what he needs. The next day he calls your partner and demands an antibiotic - and gets it. No sense getting sued over amoxicillin.

Here's the point. Unless the situation is bad enough to make you feverish, or to make you miss work, or to make you look sick enough for an x-ray, it's probably just a cold - sinus irritation caused by a virus.

Here's 7 tips to save money on sinusitis:

1. Ask your doctor if it's truly bacterial sinusitis. If he makes a convincing argument, then ask for a antibiotic. Rarely do you need something more expensive. The antibiotics include amoxicillin, sulfa drugs, doxycycline, erythromycin, cephalexin and ciprofloxacin. Of these, the first four are considered first-line antibiotics for respiratory infections.

2. Otherwise, what you want/need is symptom relief. We'll start with pain - facial pain, head pain, or even sometimes tooth pain. You'd be surprised how often a patient hasn't considered standard pain relievers such as Tylenol®, aspirin, Advil® or Motrin® (ibuprofen), or Aleve® - they all provide effective relief for most patients - for under .

3. Mucus. Snot. Phlegm. Take your pick. If you have excess mucus you'll either want to dry it up or make it run thinner, like maple syrup in the spring (see #5). Tasty metaphor! Antihistamines such as Benadryl® (diphenhydramine) and Zyrtec® dry up mucus. This can be good or bad. For some people it provides real relief. For others, it makes them feel worse - they can't get the snot out (see #4). OTC medications are as good as prescription medications - most were prescription some time ago anyway - and cost under . And by the way, whereas Claritin® (loratadine) works great for allergies, the above work better for infections.

4. If you can't get the snot out, try nasal douching. Fancy words. If you have a clogged pipe, run water through it. Same goes for the nose. Use a penny's worth of warm salt water and run it through from one side to the other. This flushes out germs, mucus, chemicals, allergens (things you're allergic to) and sometimes paper clips. Here's a video from the Mayo clinic that shows you how to perform the irrigation:

5. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Rather than dry up the mucus, many patients feel better if the mucus is allowed to run more freely. Mucolytics - primarily guaifenesin, the active ingredient in Mucinex® and some cough medicines - make mucus more watery. Then it feels like you're swallowing saliva rather than snot, just like you're supposed to. Don't spend on a fancy product. Just get a store brand.

6. And now my personal favorite, pseudoephedrine. In the good old days, a few years ago, you could buy pseudoephedrine over-the-counter. Now you have to ask a pharmacist for it, thanks to the meth labs. The new Sudafed PE® contains phenylephrine, not nearly as effective in my experience. Pseudoephedrine opens the nasal/sinus passages, allowing mucus and air to flow more freely. It also has a bit of a drying effect. If I could choose only one therapy, this would be it - relief for under . Even though the medication is OTC, prescription plans often cover it, even cheaper than OTC! Common side effects include insomnia and palpitations, much like excess caffeine.

7. Ask your pharmacist for free advice. Tell your pharmacist your symptoms and she can tell you what medications will help you most. They deal with this stuff everyday - skip the doctor and save 50 bucks. Since you're seeking symptom relief, be as specific as possible. If you have multiple symptoms, a multi-relief medication may be your best bet.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, M.D.

Sinusitis - Treatment and Costs - 7 Tips to Save Money and Feel Better Quickly

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Health Benefits of Maple Tree and Syrup

!±8± Health Benefits of Maple Tree and Syrup

Maple syrups come from the saps of maple trees. There are certain processes involved in extracting the syrup from the sap, the most common being that used with a sap sprout. The sap has more water than sugar, like around 98%. So to get that 2% of syrup is definitely a very tedious process. The process involves boiling the sap to evaporate most of the water inside. It will be then easier to extract the sugary syrup once the water content vanishes.

Maple syrups are produced by sugar makers in sugar houses using evaporator and pans. They fill the pans with saps and boil them. The water from the tap turns to steam and then goes out of the sugar house. The syrup is ready when the sap is boiling in 7oF.

The extraction needs a lot of patience because it is a very slow process. Forty gallons of sap will only produce one gallon of a very pure maple syrup. When the syrup is ready, it has to be filtered to eliminate the sugar sand found in the mixture. This slow process is probably the reason maple syrups are more expensive than sugar.

Even if extracting the syrup takes a lot of time, it is still worth it, considering the many benefits it entails. Maple syrup is one rich source of manganese and zinc. Manganese produces energy and antioxidant. These antioxidants are defenses against various illnesses. It also acts as an immuno-stimulant. Manganese also aids the production of sex hormones. For those with high cholesterol, maple syrup serves as a catalyst that hastens the chemical reaction of foods in the body.

On the other hand, zinc decreases progression of atherosclerosis. Zinc also helps keep our bodies healthy and less prone to injuries. Zinc is beneficial also to the reproductive health of men. It is stored in the prostate, and prevents prostate cancer.

Maple syrup is also clinically proven to benefit people in other aspects. The good thing about this syrup is that it is one hundred percent natural and organic. As such, it is a better alternative to sugar to act as a sweetener. This is good for those who are diabetic, or suffering from other illnesses that prevent them from having too much sugar intake.

It is interesting to note that maple syrups are three times sweeter than a sugar cane, yet it is amazing that it has fewer calories. It only takes little to sweeten a cup of coffee or tea, or other foods. It can also be added to fruit juices or shakes. Some use maple syrups to top their pancakes. Thus, more people prefer maple syrups over sugar even if it is more expensive.

Another advantage of maple syrup is the fact that it does not undergo can kind of processing or artificial production. It is therefore cleaner compared to other sweeteners, and consequently better for your body. While low in calories, maple syrup's nutritional profile is comprised of protein, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc.

Health Benefits of Maple Tree and Syrup

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Headache Home Remedies - Get Relief From Pain Naturally

!±8± Headache Home Remedies - Get Relief From Pain Naturally

Headache or cephalgia is a common ailment, and most of us suffer from headache at one time or another. Pain or ache in any part of the head, forehead or neck may collectively be referred to as headache. Headache may occur due to multiple causes, and depending upon the cause, headache may be classified in to primary headaches, secondary headaches and cranial neuralgia, facial ache and other types. Primary headaches are not associated with any disease. They spring on their own. Examples of primary headaches are migraine, tension headaches and cluster headache. Secondary headache is caused due to some major disease or ailment such as brain tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, and hemorrhage in brain, strokes, caffeine withdrawal and discontinuation of analgesics. The third type, cranial neuralgia or facial pain, is caused due to the inflammation of nerves in the head and upper neck.


1. Emotional stress
2. Fatigue
3. Excessive smoking and alcohol intake
4. Hang-over
5. High blood pressure
6. Allergy
7. Constipation
8. Nutritional deficiency
9. Lack of sleep
10. Prolonged manual labor or physical stress
11. Cold and flu
12. Chronic cough
13. Ear infection
14. Tooth infection
15. Sinus infection and blockage
16. Pneumonia and fever
17. Mumps
18. Measles
19. Tonsillitis
20. Eye infection
21. Eye strain
22. Glaucoma
23. Bright light and loud sound
24. Traumatic injury
25. Strokes
26. Muscle contraction around the skull
27. Spinal tap or injection.

Home Remedies

1. Drinking of herbal teas such as chamomile or peppermint tea can relieve headache.

2. Steam inhalation is an effective remedy for headache. It can do away with sinus blockage.

3. Drinking two tablespoon apple cider vinegar mixed with raw honey in a cup of water can cause headache to vanish quickly

4. Drinking a glass of warm water mixed with two tablespoon pure maple syrup and few drops of lemon juice and then immediately taking a nap can cure headache.

5. Placing henbane leaves on the head, and then covering it with a moist warm cloth can cause headache to disappear.

6. Usage of a warm poultice made of ginger powder can reduce headache. The poultice is to be placed on forehead.

7. Applying a paste of sandalwood on forehead can cure headache.

8. Consumption of grated coconut mixed with sugar can reduce headache.

9. A solution made out of half teaspoon mustard seed powder and three teaspoon water may be applied in the nostrils. This is an effective way of treating headache.

10. Intake of a teaspoon of Brewer's yeast daily can reduce headache due to iron deficiency.

11. Intake of freshly sliced apples every morning is an effective cure for chronic headache.

12. Nasal irrigation is a way to clear nasal congestion and reduce headache.

13. Massaging head with the pressure of thumb and forefinger can relieve headache.

14. Soaking feet in lukewarm water and placing a cold towel on forehead can lessen headache.

Headache Home Remedies - Get Relief From Pain Naturally

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baking Ham - How to Cook a Ham That Will Wow Your Guests

!±8± Baking Ham - How to Cook a Ham That Will Wow Your Guests

Baking ham might seem like a daunting process but it's really quite easy. The key is cooking time for a ham. It's not as long as you might think. Anybody can learn how to cook a ham.

If you've never baked one or if you have and wound up with a dried out, tasteless hunk of hog flesh you need to try this baking ham technique.

It will guide you to producing succulent, moist and delicious baked ham that will Wow your guests. (Translation: Make your mother-in-law turn green with envy!)

Selecting Ham For This Baking Ham Technique

Basically ham is just the hind leg of the pig. It's the processing that takes it from pigs hind leg to ham. However, there are so many processing methods that a trip to the grocery can be confusing.

For our purpose we want a ham that not only tastes great but also is easy to serve.

Check the labels in the grocery. They will show the water content. The lower the water content the better tasting the ham will be.

A ham labeled as "ham in natural juices" is best.

Stay away from hams labeled "Ham - water added" because they have 12 to 15 percent water added. Even worse is "Ham and Water Product" which can have as much as 35 percent water added.

Bone in or boneless? Well boneless would certainly be easier to serve but bone in just tastes better. Boneless requires more processing and it seems the more processing the worse it gets!

A whole ham tends to be massive-weighing about 15 pounds. So, for manageability, they are increasingly cut in half and sold in two pieces, the butt and the shank.

Whole hams have a difficult to carve around bone structure. That difficult structure is in the butt half. The shank half has only one bone to navigate. And if it's spiral sliced so much the better.

Whether half or whole, though, the differences in the best supermarket hams come down to what bones, if any, have been removed and how much water, if any, has been added.

So we have a trade off. A bone in, spiral sliced, fully cooked shank half ham in natural juices is my choice.

Baking Ham - How To Cook A Ham - Cooking Time For a Ham

Since hams from the grocery are already fully cooked our objective in baking for our guests is just to get the it up to serving temperature as gently as possible.

This technique for how to cook a ham greatly reduces the cooking time for a ham.

Gently raising the temperature to 115 degrees F. internally keeps the ham from drying out. When it is removed from the oven residual cooking will bring the temperature to between 125 and 130, which is perfect serving temperature.

So we're going to start that process with raising the temperature before it's even placed in the oven!

Leave the inner plastic or foil covering intact and place the ham in large container and cover with hot tap water. Allow it to sit in the water for 45 minutes and then drain. Cover it again with hot tap water and set aside for another 45 minutes.

Preheating it in this fashion means there is less potential for it drying out in the oven.

Another trick in this baking ham technique is to bake it in an oven bag.

The Oven Bag provides a more even cooking method allowing the heat to circulate within the bag shortening the baking time.

Adjust the oven rack to its lowest position and pre-heat your oven to 250 degrees. Unwrap the ham and remove and discard the plastic disk covering the bone.

Place it in the oven bag. Gather the top of bag tightly so the bag fits snugly around the ham. Tie the bag and trim excess plastic. Set the ham cut-side down in large roasting pan and cut 4 slits in top of the oven bag.

Bake until the center registers 100 degrees on and instant-read thermometer. This will take about 10 minutes per pound which is really a quick cooking time for a ham.

Remove it from the oven and increase the oven temperature to 350 degrees.

Cut open the oven bag and roll back the sides to expose the ham.

Brush it with one-third of the glaze of your choice and return it to the oven until the glaze becomes sticky, about 10 minutes.

Remove it from the oven and transfer it to a cutting board. Brush the entire surface with another third of the glaze.

Let it rest, loosely tented with foil, for 15 minutes.

While it rests heat the remaining third of the glaze with 4 to 6 tablespoons of the juices from the bag until it forms a thick but fluid sauce.

Carve, serve and pass the sauce at table.

Ham Glaze Recipes

This is the best technique I know of for how to cook a ham but what about glazes?

Glazes not only make your holiday ham look gorgeous but they also add additional flavor.

Glazes are usually sweet and are anything from just a brushing the baking ham with maple syrup to more complex mixtures made from sugars and seasonings.

A glaze should only be added toward the end of cooking time for a ham so they don't burn.

This baking ham technique will work with any glaze recipe that you and your family like. Give the technique a try the next time you are thinking of baking ham.

Baking Ham - How to Cook a Ham That Will Wow Your Guests

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

The acid or alkaline body pH level scale test

!±8± The acid or alkaline body pH level scale test

The human body is complex, unique and constantly in balance research. If your body is too acidic or too alkaline pH of the band would upset this delicate balance and transform your body are subject to a constant struggle and agitation during the search for balance. But, of course, could the eating habits and lifestyles that help us every day to get the body, the ideal balance on the pH scale by a number from 6.8 to 7.4. The pH test strip should be used more frequentlyapply only saliva or urine to the strip or strips of paper, then compare the color change to the pH color chart test strip provided to see if your body is too acidic, basic or neutral. Always test before meals or 1 hour after eating. The body's pH range from 1 to 14, with less than 7.0 is too acidic and above 7.0 as alkaline.

The test of acid pH of the body: Our bodies are highly acidic reading level means that our test is less than pH 7.0. Fortunately, this figure is reversedeasily and with a little 'knowledge and effort, you can get your body to the normal pH range of 6.8 to 7.4. If your body is acidic, such as your diet should be 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods. Therefore, some of the symptoms of a body acid pH: headaches, frequent sighing, insomnia, water retention, and could lead to abnormal blood pressure and more.

Acidic foods such as pasta, ketchup, chocolate, coffee, corn starch, flour, flour, meat, pasta,Cabbage, fish, lentils, milk, mustard, olives, eggs, beans, soft drinks, sugar, all foods with added sugar, vinegar, tobacco, drugs that are acid forming, and more. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate fatty foods from your diet, but limiting it to about 20% of the daily diet. But if your body is too alkaline then increase the percentage of acidic foods until you get your ideal pH test area of ​​the body reaches.

The alkaline pH testing of the body: the body alkalinity, pHmeans that you have a reading above 7.0. With a slightly higher pH, alkalinity reading of 7.0 to 7.4 is actually recommended, but higher than normal could mean trouble on the horizon. Muscles aching, bulging eyes, high blood pressure, allergies, vomiting, cough at night, seizures and more: some of the symptoms.

Alkaline foods: avocado, corn, fresh coconut, fresh fruits, more vegetables, honey, horseradish, maple syrup, molasses, mushrooms, onions, raisins, sprouts,Almonds, beans, brazil nuts and much more.

Alkaline and acid pH testing Abstract: Knowledge is half the battle, so if your body is to balance and then provide the help they need to eat the right amount of alkaline foods (recommended 80%) to reach food acids (20% recommended), training, tests often change with the pH strip and your lifestyle, if necessary. If your body out of balance for a long period of time that is particularly vulnerable to diseaseand disease.

The acid or alkaline body pH level scale test

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